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Reagan Elementary

Part of the Clovis Unified School District

Winter Sports

Winter Sports logo with snow drawingFrom early November to late January, students in upper grades can participate in a number of athletic teams on behalf of their school.  To participate in these co-curricular programs students must show proof of insurance coverage. Information about how families can be assisted with both the sports physicals and insurance is available from your neighborhood school. All student athletes must have permission before attending practices. Please complete permission through the link Athletic Permission Form


a sports permission flyer with QR code and sports balls

Student Wrestling (Grades 4-6): Marvin Gerberding, Christian Saldana
Boys Basketball (Grades 5 & 6): Andy Kilburn, Caleb Velasco
Girls Basketball (Grades  5 & 6): Matt Alanis, Aster Shepard


Winter Season Sports: November 4th - January 25th. 

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Fridays with no games: 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Friday: Game Day (Some Thursday Games will apply due to calendar conflicts)


Wrestling - 4th, 5th & 6th Grades

Boys & Girls Basketball - 5th & 6th Grades

**Practices begins on Monday, November 4, 2024

Wrestling Matches: JV begins at 2:15pm, Varsity begins at 3:00pm

Girls Basketball: JV and V begins at 2:15pm 

Boys Basketball: JV and V begins at 3:00pm

ALL games must end by 4:15pm. 



Thurs. 11/21: HOME GAME vs. Miramonte

Fri. 12/6:  Reagan @Young

Fri. 12/13: BYE week  

Thurs. 12/19: Reagan @ Hirayama  

Fri. 1/10:HOME GAME vs. Oraze

Thrurs. 1/16: Wrestling Duels @ CEHS vs. Freedom

Fri. 1/17:Reagan @ Freedom (Basketball only) 


Thurs. 1/23: Basketball Championship Games & Area Wrestling Tournament; 

Fri. 1/24 Basketball Cross Area Games 

Sat. 1/25: District Wrestling 

Thanksgiving Break November 25th - 29th

Winter Break December 23rd - January 6th 

Dead Week January 27th - January 31st