Dear Reagan Timberwolves,
Welcome to the 2023-2024 school year! Hopefully, this guide will serve as an introduction to our Library and should answer many of the questions you might have about our library. This is my second year as the Reagan Librarian and I cannot wait to see all students back in the library! We do have a FREE lending library outside the library where students can take a book for free. This is run-off donations so if you have any books at home you do not want you can drop them off at the library! Last year I had drive-thru snack shacks and book fairs that helped me raise enough money to put 1900 books on our shelves! I will be doing a few snack shacks, Book Fairs, and a new fundraiser (coming soon) this year to raise funds to purchase new books for all students!
Library Scheduling:
Students have scheduled times to come to the library as a class during our enrichment schedule. 1st-6th grade students may visit the library before school, after school, and during morning recess. In addition to helping students choose and check out books, I will be teaching library skills.
Student Checkout:
Length of Time Students May Keep Items:
The loan period is one week. Library books should be returned or renewed each week. Even if you are not Finished RENEW, RENEW, RENEW! DO NOT TURN IN BOOKS IF YOU HAVEN’T FINISHED THEM. No new books will be checked out until all books are returned or a fine has been paid. If you do not have your books on your library day they must be brought the next day or you will serve recess library appreciation each day until the library book is brought back.
Reminder notices (overdues) will be sent out periodically. No actual overdue fines are charged. However, if a student has overdue books, he/she may not check out anymore until those overdues are cleared. If a student loses or damages a library book, the student will need to pay the replacement cost for that book. Reagan library books are LIBRARY BOUND. Please note that books purchased from stores or Amazon are not the same quality as a Library Bound book.
***If you are able to find the lost library book your money will be refunded. The book must be found in the current school year***
Tips for Home:
Students who take library books home are encouraged to keep the books in their backpacks to avoid loss. Create a quiet, special place in your home for your child to read. Keep books and reading materials readily available. Help your child see that reading is important. Set a good example for your child by reading books, newspapers, and magazines. Talk about what you are reading. Be attentive to your child’s interests and developing skills. Remember to ENCOURAGE the type of text your child chooses: cartoons, instructions for video games, fantasy, sports, or fashion can be the key to unlocking a lifetime of reading!
I hope that this is an enjoyable year for you and your students. If I can be of any assistance, do not hesitate to contact me.
Go Timberwolves! Happy Reading!
Heidi Boyd, Your School Librarian